Skutsje Museum Earnewâld
The Skûtsje Musem is located in Earnewâld and takes you back to the first generation of captains who sailed on the so-called skûtsjes. Today's skûtsje also receives a lot of attention in the museum. In addition, the championship competitions of SKS and IFKS are discussed.
Old shipbuilding professions such as blacksmithing and boat building are taught in specially equiped workshops. Hundreds of pieces of skûtsjes and the tools used to make them are on display in a fascinating setting.
There is a specially equipped library where you can delve into the books and documents to gain more knowledge about the history of the skûtsje, but also about the current championships. In addition to the library, there are also ship models, extensive photo collections and a cinema room to fully delve into the subject.
Done with the museum? You can take beautiful walking routes through the Alde Faenen nature reserve, or go cycling, sailing and have fun in the village of Earnewâld!
Opening hours:
April 27 - October 6: Every Saturday & Sunday from 1 PM - 5 PM.
July & August: Tuesday to Sunday from 1 PM - 5 PM.
De Stripe 12
9264 TW Earnewald